[Vwdiesel] Rabbits -- Are step by step instructions necessary ???--YES.

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun May 11 08:03:53 EDT 2003

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I am an old geezer (70 +)  who played around with things since day one.So I=
 do NOT need step by step procedures any more.For example ,taking rear drum=
s off---all I need is to be reminded to POP the WEDGE.(it tells me it can b=
e done)       But I do care about you total beginners out there ,  so my ad=
vice to you is learn how to use the archive . A lot of help can be found un=
der "injection pump etc." from the answers you can tell who the REAL smarti=
es are.From there you just ring up "AUTHOR"  and you are in the air.I stumb=
led in here by chance some time ago ---and in no time sniffed out    LOREN =
 , "Charlie Brown"(Roger Brown)  Gary Orlando , Val Christian.you get the d=
rift. I now wonder what I would have done without all the help ???? -- mayb=
e I was guided by some mystery force.?  (GOD?).Sure has been a lot of FUN b=
usted, knuckles and all.I liked Harry Potter (the film) and to me this IS t=
he school of VW diesel wizardry (hope I graduate soon).And LOREN is (whethe=
r he likes it or not) the "Hagred" of the school.Observe that the solutions=
 very often comes from eccentrics and strange characters.(crazies).So if yo=
u want step by step go to HAGRED he will steer you to the right place.One l=
ast word ,it may be a good idea to put  CHARLIE BROWNS site on your desktop=
 (I did).      More some other time ---the sun is just kissing my rabbits.0=
700     (back to the wrenches for me) .    Hagar.

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