[Vwdiesel] Jetta Serial Number

Dave Heart teacher525 at hotmail.com
Sun May 11 15:03:22 EDT 2003

I have an 81 diesel pickup.  I am attempting to install a Jetta dashboard.
Anyone happen to know what year Jetta this dashboard is from? S/N on Jetta
dash is WVWCG0169EW106866. My guess is June 1986.

I decided to use the 81 instrument pod and fan switch panel. So far this has
required changing, adding and bending some brackets in the Jetta dash to fit
the 81 instrument pod and trimming the fan switch panels. I might be able to
use the Jetta switches and rewire them.

I hope the fan motor assembly on the 81 won't be difficult to attach to the
Jetta dash. Anyone else transplanted a Jetta dash into a Rabbit? Other

Many thanks, Dave.

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