[Vwdiesel] Oil recommendations?

James Hansen jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Wed May 14 23:40:34 EDT 2003

> My 1983 2.4
> liter VW Turbo diesel engine loses about 1qt/4000 miles despite having
> just been professionally rebuilt with top quality german components.

That's a bit on the high side, Tyler. There is professionally rebuilt, and
professionally rebuilt. Not hacking on your mechanic at all, just there is
variability beyond the components, and having a storefront, and the breakin
is critical.  My 89 Jetta with 539000km uses less than a litre between
changes of 10000km intervals or so, on Rotella 15-40. Original engine,
bearings and rings.  Many times the level doesn't go down on the stick
because of what the engine is putting INTO the oil- at the same rate as the
oil is consumed.  Some has to be used or the pistons would seize- there is a
thin film left on the cylinder walls when the rings go past.  Used oil is
replaced with soot, and other goodness that only a tdi with an egr intact or
otherwise can generate.
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