[Vwdiesel] Jetta TDI and more...

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sat May 17 00:04:29 EDT 2003

> The average Joe with the $20,000 VW barely puts
>  up with VW's crappy service as it is.  The elite that can afford a $50,000
>  or $70,000 vehicle won't put up with VW's crappy service for two seconds.

  With all the DIY we do on this list, I'd nearly forgotten about the crappy
dealer service and lack of knowledge beyond that of a Jiffy-Lube trainee!  ;-)
  There were always rumors that VW monitored the r.a.m.vw.watercoled
newsgroup. With the non-stop complaints about service, I highly doubt
it.  Obviously nothing has changed.  I found the cause of the "Warp Field
Collapse" syndrome with Dad's Passat.  The service Mgr. wanted to blame
it on the fuel.  Thanks to him pointing out the pressure line to the ECU
and points to check from Lee and James, I found a kinked hose.
  I really don't see how they plan to appease people who can afford
lawyers!  ;-)

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