[Vwdiesel] Vanagon Clutch and starter....

jon jon at kenneke.com
Tue May 20 21:10:39 EDT 2003

Yup...you are right...the starter sat around for a bit, so lube is prolly
it. I'll give it a good spray tomorrow. It worked fine several years

My other diesel is a Mercedes, oddly enough. I have a pump tool thing to
bleed (and troubleshoot the crappy vacuum systems)..so I know that drill.
Bleeding can be fun...especially when your helper smells good. Hehhe.

Ok, gotta put a pitch in here: If you are into bio diesel and/or veggie
oil vehicles, come and see us at the Solwest Renewable Energy Fairs..


On Tue, 20 May 2003 LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

> > 1) Have a bad starter, it seems the solenoid does not always make it to
> >  the flywheel when the starter is warm. hints?
>   First try a good clean an lube on it.  There's a good chance you'll need a
> new starter drive (bendix) or solenoid depending exactly on what it's doing.
> Does it grind, not quite do anything or just rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr without
> engaging?  If
> it's the last then either a gummed up shaft on the starter drive or you need
> a new drive.  The fun part is finding one!
> >
> >  2) The clutch "slave" is leaking. Is this hard to replace? Any hints, etc.
> >
>   Don't know on your exact model but most are just a couple of bolts and
> the line then bleeding.  A nifty way to bleed a stubborn clutch system is
> the Mercedes method.  You connect a piece of line to the nearest front
> brake bleeder and the slave's bleeder.  Then open the slave bleeder and
> have someone run the brake pedal.  As they press down, open the wheel
> bleeder and close when they go up.  You'll painlessly bleed it in about 4
> strokes.  We tried for nearly an hour and never could get it to go.  Then
> did that and it took a couple minutes!  This was on a Mercedes but the
> principle could come in handy on anything.  :)
>      Loren
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Jon Kenneke, General Manager
Kenneke Communications - http://www.kenneke.com
PO Box 3126 - Albany, OR 97321-0702
Radio Takena KTK - http://www.radiotakena.org

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