[Vwdiesel] A/C Bracket Threaded Hole Repair

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu May 22 12:09:55 EDT 2003

> What is the best way to repair a completely stripped
>  out and slightly ovaled bolt hole in the cast iron A/C
>  bracket? I guess it would be like any other thread
>  repair. I was thinking about installing a "Heli Coil".

  Don't use a Heli Coil!  You have to have the kit, special tap, etc. There's

a line of inserts that use sae taps even for metric threads. :)  You just
drill, tap, put the insert on the bolt with a Loc-Tite type product on the
outside and run it in.  :)  Much like a VW case-saver.  No special tools
needed other than std. taps.  There's also an epoxy product, similar to
JB Weld or such, that you put a release agent on the bolt, goop it up,
put it in the hole, clean the ooze and wait until morning.  A friend who
owns his own shop told me about this stuff.  He couldn't remember the
name though.  He was really impressed with it.
  The inserts were available at a local place called "Fasteners Inc."  They
sell bolt and such mostly.

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