[Vwdiesel] Volvo 960 Pyrotechnical Belt Tensioner? Off Topic

Nate Wall natewall1 at yahoo.com
Sun May 25 15:21:01 EDT 2003

Sorry for the off topic, but curiosity overwhelms me.
Today my girlfriend bought a '92 Volvo 960. I found a
factory sticker on the driver's door post that stated
something to the effect, "This vehicle is equipped
with Pyrotechnical Belt Tensioners that must be
serviced or replaced after 10 years, see owner's
manual (which the previous owner did not have). What's
up with this? Sounds something like explosive bolts
used in the space program! The previous owner was
pretty knowledgeable and stated that the '92 960s had
a recall on the timing belt tensioner for something
pretty serious and pre-mature T-Belt failures.

It also had a similar sticker for the SRS (air bag)
stating that it had to be checked/replaced after 10
years. What gives? Tx.


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