[Vwdiesel] CNG v. Diesel

Gary, San Diego gabangs at san.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003

Interesting article...

I'm dumbfounded!

I find it extremely remarkable that the Republic of Kalifornia would
make such a statement... favoring newer, cleaner diesels over the CNG
types. Most cities in SoCal(especially San Diego) are bent on changing
to CNG. It seems the right hand doesn't listen to the left.

I'm still convinced that the modern diesel is the answer, considering
economics and emissions.

-Gary, San Diego
1985 Quantum TD... For Sale!

On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 19:19, Scott Kair wrote:
>     It's been a recurring flap of late.  Apparently even CARB admits that
> running clean (newer) Diesels can be done for about half the overall cost of
> CNG retrofits. The DC metro bus system wanted to convert to CNG, but the new
> Diesels were reducing pollutants sufficiently that the governing board
> decided to spend the money slated for beginning CNG conversion on
> maintaining the subway system. See, for starters:
>     http://www.dieselforum.org/inthenews/washtimes_062102.html
>     HTH,
>     Scott Kair
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