[Vwdiesel] '82 VW Westphalia diesel

Gary, San Diego gabangs at san.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003

If I may chime in here...

I have done exactly what you'all are talking about.

My local Bosch rep doesn't sell bushings. He sells a rebuilt
body(Cleaned and new bushing already pressed in and fitted to what
looked like a new input shaft, otherwise bare). This goes for $110. Then
the gasket/seal set was $27.

The lift pump is indeed a honed set, but even with worn bushings, the
lift pump is probably still in good shape. It more or less floats on the
main input shaft, so the wobble isn't directly transmitted to the vanes.
The plunger assembly as well isn't directly connected to the main input

And yes, you have to dismantle the entire pump to get at the bushings.
It took me a full week to dismantle, clean, and layout in order, all of
the parts. And another full week to put back together. Afternoons and

Now, having your local mechanic do all of this work and charge only $100
for labor would make me a bit nervous. These pumps have to be absolutely
clean when assembling. The internal parts have extremely close
tolerances. Unless he has a grade "a" clean room established, I'd be
careful here.

All in all, it is not a hard job to do, you just need to be meticulous
and have steady, very steady hands.

-Gary, San Diego(then Orlando, FL after Friday)
1985 Quantum TD(going with me because nobody in this entire nation is
shopping for diesel Quantums!)

On Mon, 2002-07-15 at 21:23, Gary Shea wrote:
> Hi Doyt --
> I seem to have just encountered the leaking-pump syndrome, presumably
> from the front bushing.  The local Bosch tech (who seems like a decent
> enough guy) told me it would probably be $250 to $300 to put in the
> bushings because he'd have to tear down the pump, and that the internal
> 'vane pump' that sucks fuel through the filter is probably mostly shot
> if the bushings are.  He said that the bushings come undersize and that
> they must be align-bored so that the shaft fits.  This all sounds pretty
> gnarly, but I know folks on this list have done it themselves... are you
> one of them?  If so, was it truly that painful?
> Regards,
>         Gary
> [2002-07-15 23:23 -0400] Doyt W. Echelberger (Doyt at buckeye-express.com) wrote:
> > .................Your diesel runs on a fuel that is really a light oil. If
> > the injector pump is leaking (as they eventually do) you will get a
> > dribble/drip of diesel fuel from the injector pump. In my case, it was
> > enough of a stream to leave a trail on the road behind the vehicle.
> >
> > ................I'm pointing out the possibility of your oil leak being in
> > the diesel fuel system. This does not explain the high level of oil in the
> > crankcase, but is intended to alert you to the possibility that the oil on
> > the back of the bus might be diesel oil.   Doyt Echelberger
> > .....snip..............................
> >  >Harmon Seaver
> >  >CyberShamanix
> >  >http://www.cybershamanix.com
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