[Vwdiesel] valve shims

Gary, Orlando gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003

I've always augmented my inventory of shims when ever I visited the junk
yards. Don't forget, the same shims are used in the gassers.

-Gary, Orlando

On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 18:03, Scott Sullivan wrote:
> Dennis,
> It is quite easy to figure out what shims you will need, just use the met=
hod you described below. Often you will be moving some shims around and nee=
d to buy few new ones.  My local import parts place sold the shims for $3.0=
0 each.  They have since changed hands and do not cary them any more.
> Scot
> --

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