[Vwdiesel] VW diesel --"Jackrabbit gone berserk"?? you bet 1980 deluxe 4 door.

Gary, Orlando gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003

Classic case of "runaway diesel".

Your Canadian special must be just that...  Special!

Either the rings are gone or somehow stuck. What is the history of this
car? Has it been sitting for very long... like years? Was the engine
very hot? Was the oil the right viscosity? (Not 0w-30?)

Did the engine self destruct or did the trucker kill it in time? CO2
extinguisher smothers the engine.

Disconnect the breather hose from the valve cover, and run the engine.
Change all of the fluids, and especially something to free sticky rings.

-Gary, Orlando

On Tue, 2003-01-14 at 16:36, H .Hagar wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Some of you may have heard roomers about this condition -------- I had.  =
 For you who never drove one like that --LOL read on--and the rest -I could=
 not stop you with a bat.
> It was a 300 dollar Canadian ----"Special" --- Just got it --with a note =
in the glove compartment from the police saying noisy exhaust must be fixed=
 and proof delivered to Station.On my way home from "MIDAS" lol    ---it sp=
eeded up when I took foot of pedal---about a KM from driveway.What to do ?-=
---brakes were so bad --that stalling the engine in high gear was out (4 sp=
eed Manual)---managed to coast and brake just short of driveway in ----NEUT=
RAL  ----15000rpm 20000rpm? ----was silk smooth sound almost like a turbine=
 ---I sat and waited for the rods and pistons  to fly all over the place.--=
-Big Rig pulled in front of me and the driver came running with a fire exti=
nguisher-----Then it died..He told me he thought I was on fire----He was be=
hind IN THE SMOKE ----and smoke there was ---for two Kms.That Rabbit did no=
t need an injection pump after 10000rpm-----LOL it picked up the crankcase =
oil ----and was quite happy.----HAGAR.----sure was fun.
> --
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