[Vwdiesel] Oil Breather kit ??

Gary, Orlando gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003

Haven't heard of any kits.

But there are a couple of VW OEM alternatives,

1) Do you have the plastic oil deflector tray under your valve cover?

2) This one will require you get a different valve cover from your local
yard. VW makes a oil separator that fits in a rubber grommet in the
valve cover(vs a hose that fits on a nipple) It is a four inch so
canister , about 2in tall, which a hose connects to and goes to the

Also check that the wire mess screen under the valve cover is clean and
not clogged.

-Gary, Orlando

On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 21:28, Travelbike at aol.com wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Noticed that blowby from the valve cover port goes to the air cleaner bo
> taking with it oil.  When I open it,  I sometime see oil nad It seems it
> makes the car a bit smokey esp on full throttle.
> Is it possible to use an oil breather kit or box to separate oil from the
> blowby before it enters the air box ??  CAn you use say an oil breather kit
> from VW type I engines or can you just build one from scratch ? IF so any
> homebrew designs out there ???
> Again thanks
> J Gaerlan.
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