[Vwdiesel] injection pump info 1982 and 1980 NA.

Gary, Orlando gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003

With the belt wanting to ride off the pulley is most likely worn pump
shaft bushings. Yes, these are bushings and the are two. This is why
belt tension is critical. Too tight and you have premature bushing wear.

I've had two pumps apart, and I have yet to see a worn plunger assy.
There are no radial forces exerted on the plunger during operation. Both
of the plunger assy's still had honing marks on them and held pressure
when worked by hand. No tell tale 'mirror' surfaces amidst the hone

-Gary, Orlando

On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 17:54, H .Hagar wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Cleaned a bunch of old pumps Sunday --- mostly  yellow 107A --the one I r=
eplaced   05 Jan 2003 on the 1982 1.6L NA was a 107AG.. Was leaking like a =
sieve     300 000 kliks ---.I said belt was sneaking towards RAD ? ---wrong=
   --  towards
> RH fender. ---IS the shaftbearing a BUSHING ?? there is a lot of sideplay=
 when wiggling.Sure beats my mekano set for fun LOL.--A real challenge -- W=
hy so much talk ? about a lousy pump ? I was quoted 5000 Dollars Can from d=
ealer for a replacement.  Capilano Volks in BC.
> Checked to find stroke and bore of pumps -----80+ Thou Inch  about for st=
roke and Piston is a two step affair --0.4 inch major and 0.3 +  on minor. =
--RIGHT ? --LOL    Hagar.
> --
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