[Vwdiesel] low compression
Gary, Orlando
gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003
I would say it depends on how much money you want to spend.
If it is bad as you say, then a re-bore and new pistons are in order.
On my first diesel rabbit, before I knew any better, I replaced the
rings in a 1.5 that was in worse shape than you describe. It ran great
for another 50K miles before I sold it. I just hand honed it to dress
the cylinders for the new rings.
I think these engines tolerate greater tolerances than specified. But
that's just me.
-Gary, Orlando
On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 15:07, Kenneth E. Oldrid wrote:
> I have a question regarding my 86 jetta 1.6 NA, 250k. The engine just stopped
> working last fall, would not start. Compression test yeilded following values
> in psi: 220, 350, 150, 240. I believe all values are supposed to be around 395
> give or take 20%. So I removed the head, which looks great by the way, and
> measured the bore of 2 cylinders, and they were out of round by .1mm, more than
> the allowed .03mm. I'm wondering what my options are to bring it back to life.
> How much would a machine shop charge to bore out a block? I would have to buy
> oversized pistons and rings for this, correct? Could I get away with installing
> new rings without replacing pistons or boring out the block? WHat do you guys
> do in this situation? Everything else on the engine seems to be fine.
> thanks,
> Ken
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