[Vwdiesel] slow running

Gary, Orlando gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003


Have him check...

Cam timing
Valve clearance(if mechanical)
Rebuilt injectors? At least have the old ones checked
Air, fuel filters
Old fuel?

I had a '79 1.5 NA 5 spd diesel. It would hold 70+ mph (pretty flat
frwy) on my daily 90mi commute between LA and San Diego. This was even
before I learned how to tune a diesel!

-Gary, Orlando

On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 01:22, Shalyn Shourds wrote:
> I met a guy the other day in front of an auto parts store who hopped out
> of his car (Metro) when he saw my Jetta.  He was very excited when he
> saw mine and especially when he found it was a Diesel.  He'd dreamt of
> owning a Diesel VW for a long time and had just bought an '86 NA Jetta.
>  Sounded like he really overpaid since it'd been wrecked a little and
> there was oil for some reason in the coolant reservoir.  Said it started
> quickly even on cold days, though.  We talked for quite a while (turned
> out we have mutual friends).  Heard from him again today and he said his
> car won't run faster than 60 mph.  This is on Texas highways.  60 is OK
> only in school zones.  Even my old 1.5 L Rabbit would top out at 75 and
> the Jetta TD I have I know will get to 85 before the driver chickens
> out.  I told him to check his timing and to go through the fuel system
> (clogged filter, leaks, etc.).  Any other ideas I should pass along?
> I really should go and see the car but I sort of have enough of my own
> projects going on right now.  Hate to end up working on someone else's,
> too.
> I and one of the newest members of the Diesel fraternity thank you.
> -Shalyn
> -85 Jetta
> -65 190 Dc object d' art
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