No subject
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003
on the oil pan. Disconnect the battery ground strap,
then remove the starter. Some starter thru bolts have
a 10 MM tripple square head (like ONE of mine) K-D has
a nice 8, 10, and 12 MM set. The 8 MM is used for CV
joint bolts, and the 12 MM for the head bolts. Get the
set. Remove the bolts holding the front mount in, and
its bracket, which also supports the starter. Its a
real tight fit. For the RR motor mount, remove the
three 13 MM headed bolts w/ a long extension and
universal joint. Leave the mount attached to the
frame. The aluminum dicast bracket will remain
attached to the motor. Remove the one 17 MM headed
bolt holding the LR tranny mount to the transaxle.
Leave the mount attached to the frame. Take a peek at
the pics I posted at Audi-VW-Diesels at
when I pulled the motor in the Jetta.
--- Brian Allen <ballenvw at> wrote:
> Working on pulling the engine on my 86 Golf, the
> manual mentions to
> disconnect linkage from shift rod to transmission.
> Makes sense and the
> first rod was easy, just a couple cotter pins.
> After that there are these
> white plastic/nylon caps that I can't figure out.
> Can someone please point
> me in the right direction to get these off and then
> on again?
> One other thing the manual was a little vague on was
> the motor mounts. Is
> there a best way to remove these?
> Thanks in advance for the help,
> Brian
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