[Vwdiesel] Broken belts... and boycotts
Gary, Orlando
gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003
Broken belts will cause...
-Not belt valves, but broken valves. With corresponding bouncing of
these pieces within the cylinder(buggered piston tops and head surfaces)
-Broken camshaft
-Holed pistons(see above)
-Bent rods
I'm sure there is more damage elsewhere.
However, I've read stories of those who escaped ANY damage! You won't
really know until you take it apart.
On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 19:27, Mark Shepherd wrote:
> [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
> Hey guys what were the previous postings about the consequences of a broken
> belt...bent valves etc; I cant seem to key word search it...Its in reference
> to an '88 1.6 diesel camper van I've seen for sale over here for £800, rather
> than comparible prices of £3500+? I thought a few £ spent on an engine rebuild
> would be profitable...
> Heres a thought for the mandatory current off-topic posting...
> America is as dependant on world trade to survive as the rest of the world so
> if all the countries who loathe your governments 'world policy' decided to
> boycott USA, you'd all dissappear faster than light down an over-ripe black
> hole...
> Mark(the Miser)UK "If I can bend it or stick it together, I will!...
> Keep the craftsmen alive!"
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