[Vwdiesel] Veggie oil

Gary, Orlando gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003


This single Elsbett tank... is it a partitioned single tank?


On Sat, 2003-03-22 at 11:22, Mfgavia at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 3/21/03 10:23:19 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> gbangs at cfl.rr.com writes:
> << I want to put another tank in my car for wvo. Use a six-port valve to
> switch between the two, but have alway wondered about the small amount of
> intermixing that will take place. >>
> Gary,
> I recently attended a veggie oil conversion workshop here in Portland.  A
> couple of thoughts regarding what we did......
> 1.  The sense I got from the workshop leaders and several other attendees is
> that the single tank Elsbett system is prefferable over the various twin tank
> systems.  Its more expensive, but simpler in the long run.
> 2.  We installed a more traditional two tank system during the workshop
> because Elsbett didn't have injectors for this particular vehicle.  A
> chevrolet 6 port valve is used to switch between tanks and a three port valve
> is used to backflush the veggie oil from the lines etc. with diesel before
> shutting the engine off.  The diesel fuel used in the backflush does end up
> in the veggie oil tank but isn't considered to be a problem.
> mark fitzsimons
> portland, or

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