[Vwdiesel] The auto shop from h*ll, part II (now III)

gary gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003

There is no check ball in the system. At least not in the oil flow path.
There is an oil pressure relief built in to the pump body. But that
wouldn't give your symptoms.

When I rebuilt my 1.6, the oil flow path was...

-Up through a hole in the block casting.
-through the oil filter mount.
-Through the filter.
-back through the mount.
-through another hole in the block to the main oil gallery that runs the
entire length of the engine.
-From the oil gallery to each main bearing(5)
-from the oil gallery to each aux shaft bearing(2)
-from the main gallery one hole up to the deck and into the head.
-Main head gallery that runs the entire length of the head. The oil
pressure sender screws into the rear-most end of it. Also, this hole
into the head is shared by a head bolt #3(fourth one back on injector
side). If this head bolt is not sealing properly against the broach cut
into the head, this could be a source of pressure loss.
-from the head gallery to each cam bearing
-from the head gallery into each hydraulic lifter.

Knowing this, and your symptoms, have them pull off the oil filter mount
and check the gaskets there.

Also, at least on the 1.6's, the head gasket has the word "OBEN" printed
or punched on the tab that is visible from the top looking down between
#2 and 3 injector side.

Also, using a drill...
If the oil pump is geared like a gasser, it spins at half engine speed.
Meaning, to get 28# at 2000 rpm(this for 1.6, what ever the book calls
for for the 1.9), the drill needs to spin 1000 rpm. Somehow, I don't
believe a typical hand drill will do 1000 rpm at the load an oil pump
would require(a lot!)

Just my $0.02

-Gary in Orlando

On Fri, 2003-05-16 at 21:16, jon wrote:
> Well, now I think we are into Part III on this. It looks like there is
> pressrue getting TO the oil filter. But, nothing from then on.
> The shop checked the gasket, and claims they are ok. Did not seem them
> myself, so I will take their word on this one.
> Some folks said to check the "check ball" on the oil filter assembly. The
> shop claims to find no "check ball". Is there such a thing? If so, where
> (the oil filter mount, oil filter, oil cooler, etc).
> Also, the owner of the shop asked me "where is the oil pressure bypass?".
> My reply was: "well, you have my shop manual, go read it". So, can
> someone tell me where the oil bypass valve is, and how to check it. I am
> sure I am going to have to tell the shop where it is.
> Fortunately, they have been testing this all with a drill, so the engine
> has only been run for a few seconds, at most.
> Again, thank you for all the help. I will be sure to continue to report on
> this saga, so someone else can benefit from this fiasco.
> Jon
> On Thu, 15 May 2003, James Hansen wrote:
> > Add to the list wrong rubber gasket on the oil cooler blocking holes,
> > missing or incorrectly installed oil pressure bypass. Plastic dust seal plug
> > not removed when installing oil filter housing, Piece of shop towel left in
> > oil gallery when cleaning, or used to keep dust out, and not removed.
> > C'mon Loren, missing bearing? LOL!!
> > No key on intermediate puley, and loose bolt? Pulley was loosened in an
> > attempt to install T-belt?
> > It's endless almost.
> > How long have they ran the engine?
> > -James
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: vwdiesel-admin at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-admin at vwfans.com]On
> > > Behalf Of LBaird119 at aol.com
> > > Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 3:23 PM
> > > To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> > > Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] The auto shop from h*ll, part II
> > >
> > >
> > > > Well, they claim there is no oil pressure. So, can anyone give
> > > me pointers
> > > >  to give them on why a brand new $#@%$#%^^$#% 1.9NA engine only
> > > has 14 psi
> > > >  of oil pressure. I hate to think of everythings those gomer's
> > > could have
> > > >  screwed up.
> > >
> > >   Possibly an upside down head gasket, however the pressure should
> > > read zero at the head.  They might check a tap at the filter vs the head
> > > to see if there's a difference.  How IN to the engine were they?  Missing
> > > oil squirters or broken ones could do this as would testing without a
> > > vacuum pump possibly.  That is if your block possibly has oil squirters.
> > > Otherwise maybe a missing bearing, oil passage plug but that should
> > > leak, loose cam bearing cap, slipping belt on the intermediate shaft
> > > pulley.
> > >      Loren
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> --
> Jon Kenneke, General Manager
> Kenneke Communications - http://www.kenneke.com
> PO Box 3126 - Albany, OR 97321-0702
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