No subject
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003
e question outright --- with not possible to get it wrong. Like Mark Shep=
herd would do ( he would try to get it wrong)---I did - bet you veggioils=
. I have in front of me four or five nice clean flywheels and drive-p=
lates. So to analyze, numbers were written on all holes and arrows you get=
the drift ---with a black felt pen. First the lingo (this is for people l=
ike Mike Smith) there are two pieces bolted together , The flywheel prope=
r (the heavy part) and the sheet metal plate that bolts it to the crankshaf=
t=2E To get it together with the TDC mark in the wrong place ---entails a =
major mistake. Not possible with VW proper parts numbers. So the "jobber=
s" knock-off may be the problem. Or a DIY'er got a part from a junkie. On t=
he VW parts you will find two rollpins pushed in to holes in flywheel --the=
y fit in to two holes in driveplate.only two holes fit in plate. --but wait=
!!! there are a mass of holes in the plate and slots in rim. 19 holes an=
d 7 notches in rim. Six holes are threaded (for fastening to flywheel) two=
holes (small ones) are for roll pins. The rest ???? hell if I know. So =
hard as I tried I could only find one way, out of six. One of the rollpins=
are close to TDC mark. Again for the Mike Smiths two pistons go up and t=
wo go down at the same time so to establish TDC on a car with no marking o=
n flywheel (or to check that mark is in the right place) --remove # 1 or #4=
injector stick a oil dipstick (the flat type) down to touch the piston , =
piece of cake to "FEEL" the TDC. Then put a paint-mark on flywheel.(WHITE =
paint half an inch wide) I used a dipstick from a GM V8 diesel. Very fond =
of using Boolean Logic it work good for troubleshooting (not smart enough =
to remember Boolean algebra)
Above was done on 1.5L NA 190mm clutch make " K inc. " In my hand is a=
1.6LNA 200 mm clutch make Fichtel and Sachs, that one has NO extra holes=
---just two for roll-pins and the six threaded ones. NO mistake possible .=
because the 6 threaded holes in crankshaft are not equidistant. On these li=
ttle cuties timing is important to the extreme.
So you DIY newbies --study study and study some more.
Yes I got all day to play and I hear my bunny calling Bye. Hagar.
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