[Vwdiesel] sticking caliper?

Mike & Coreen Smith ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Tue Nov 18 20:46:19 EST 2003

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I have an 88 Jetta wheel I am trying to troubleshoot.
I had a shudder/knocking noise at hwy speeds (only sometimes).
Replaced CV joints/axle assy drivers side.  Problem went away (or so I
Today I noticed after 20 minutes of hwy driving the car slowed down down
Drivers side wheel quite warm/burning smell.
Garage (bro-in-law) said (last week) he noticed slight cracks in rotor where
the bolts hold it on.  Says it might be getting warm, then warping, then
dragging car down. (I am not using the brakes on the hwy though.....hmmm)

I think it's either a wheel bearing (no noise though) or sticking caliper.

Before I throw even MORE $$ at this thing, anyone have any ideas?

Car DOES NOT ALWAYS do this (IE: halfway home tonight it got HOT, the rest
of the way home ran cool as ice)


Might be for sale later this week....see my other thread !

Mike, Coreen & Corey Smith
271 Smith Rd
Waterville, NB
E2V 3V6

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