[Vwdiesel] Window Regulator

Hayden Chasteen dieseltdi at earthlink.net
Sun Nov 23 21:09:03 EST 2003

Check with the dealer, I got a letter some time back on my 96 Passat 
TDI (it is now dead thanks to my daughter) stating that window 
regulators would be covered regardless of mileage.  Check before you 
buy.  Hayden

On Sunday, November 23, 2003, at 08:06 PM, Lee Hillsgrove wrote:

>  I recently bought a '96 Passat as well and the driver's side front 
> window
> regulator was junk when I got it. It's a known problem with them, the 
> rack
> teeth are too soft and the gear eats into them. You've got to bite the
> bullet and replace it. I found an online source for about $87, for
> reference.
>  So far as I know, right, left, front, and back are always from the 
> point of
> view of someone sitting in the driver's seat. So, left - driver's side.
>   Lee
>   Oo-v-oO
>   KB1GNI
>> Hey guys!  I have 1996 Passat..replaced the drivers side regulator 
>> about
>> 3 years ago.  The power window motor started to skip (click) before
>> closing the window completely.  (Got air leakage on highway!)  Took it
>> apart and found the regulator had a small crack right at the spot 
>> where
>> the regulator gear and motor gear messed.  This is what started the
>> skipping.  Well...it is doing it again!  Any ideas???  Does the motor
>> have an automatic stop that is fried???  When ordering a new regulator
>> they say left or right side front or back....is it right side facing 
>> the
>> front of the car or sitting in it???
>> don
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1998 Jetta TDI (Wetterauer Chipset, 2 1/2" exhaust, K&N Filter, propane 
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And many, many, many VWs; from a 1946 Beetle, to Vans, Rabbits, Karmen 
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