[Vwdiesel] list headers changed

FJ40Jim at aol.com FJ40Jim at aol.com
Mon Nov 24 20:22:34 EST 2003

Thanks for doing a great job of running our little VW diesel list.  I am 
usually a lurker on here (and Quattrolist), but I wanted to say that generally 
this has been one of the smoothest and most reliable lists I'm subscribed to.
Please keep up the good work and don't let the whiners get you down.
Have a great day! 

Jim Chenoweth
Lancaster, Ohio, USA
'85 4KSQ, 86 745TD, and several previous diesel VW's

In a message dated 11/24/2003, list god Dan Simoes writes:
> Apparently, judging from a few harsh emails I received, the mail headers 
> were inadvertently changed when we moved to the new server.  I believe 
> that has been corrected, and mail should now appears as from vwfans.com.
> This, therefore, is a test.
> If someone would like to volunteer to be a list admin/moderator, please 
> let me know.

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