[Vwdiesel] SS Exhaust

Val Christian val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Thu Nov 27 12:33:13 EST 2003

If I could get the bends and the other parts and pieces, I'd silver solder
them.  I suppose I could use one of the "high silver content" rods, as well.

I like your idea.  Anyone have pointers to the appropriate parts and pieces?
I'll do a web search on Burns Stainless.

My local welding shop is super.  The guy is great with SS, and does allot
of cryo work.  I taught his daughter to fly, so I get great treatment.
When I asked him about the muffler and exhaust, he suggested that I 
look for a shop with the parts and tooling.

Any other ideas or suggestions, anyone else?  Thanks.


>   Jake built his own SS system on his Rabbit with just some pipe and mandrel 
> bends from Burns Stainless, some rod, correct flux and a small oxy/acetylene 
> torch.  He was a rank amateur welder too!  Came out nice.  
>   I can check with our local shop if you like Val.  He does nice work.  No 
> mandrel 
> machine but he's good.
>      Loren
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