[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 -- ( see Dieselfuel 101 as well )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Nov 30 12:09:40 EST 2003

Yes I still do rudimentary testing ,  and the fuel is getting worse   "thinner"  hardly
any paraffin's left in it.That's the best part of fuel for our VW diesels.It lubricates
great it turns in a 45 cetane or better and it burns clean .  The test consist of taking a small Gatorade
bottle full, and sticking it in the freezer. In the good old (fuel) days a bottle of
summer fuel would go solid.Now NOTHING goes solid. Not even the best summer
fuel does that around here.(BC).  Years ago I used candles to lubricate the injection
pump, worked great during the hot weather. Straight lubeoil works better in winter.
I no longer keep the samples ,  due to storage problems.
There are two reasons for adding Lubeoil to fuel   ,the first one is lubrication and the second
one is to increase viscosity.   Why increase viscosity ??? you say .  Well it was
discovered that a lot of VW diesels were smoking due to worn vanepump and or timing piston.
So if you add oil and your smoking lazy Rabbit suddenly quits smoking and goes like stink
you may have a worn pump.   Time for a rebuild.              have fun                                      Hagar.

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