[Vwdiesel] exhaust

Kenneth E. Oldrid koldrid at uvm.edu
Thu Oct 2 15:17:39 EDT 2003

I have a similar exhaust question:
I picked up a 91 diesel jetta (N/A) for my brother. It looks like someone
removed the 1st of 2 inline mufflers. Well, that section of piping is all rusty
and breaking apart. I would like to find an inexpensive route to fix this, as
he needs an inspection (MA). Does anyone know if the inspection checks for
multiple mufflers? I hope not.
I've heard people using 2.5" exhaust, how much would someone charge for that?
Would it be different price than the stock size? His muffler seems to be good,
so maybe the stock route would be cheaper.


> I'm trying to sort out what exhaust should be on my car and what exhaust
> I want on my car.  The car is a 1982 Rabbit that I just bought and which
> appears to have various previous owner modifications.  Looking at the
> parts CD, I believe that I should have a connecting pipe connected to
> the header and the muffler hooked on at the rear.  In particular, it
> looks like I don't need a corrugated pipe and that I don't need a
> pre-muffler.
> Thus, the questions are: 1) Am I correct that that was the original
> configuration?  2) Is there any advantage to going to the later exhaust
> with the pre-muffler? 3) Alternately, is there some aftermarket exhaust
> that I should use and avoid all these questions?  The car needs a number
> of things, so I'd like to cheap out on the exhaust this time at least.
> Thanks,
> Scott
> --
> Scott Alexander <salex at dsl.cis.upenn.edu>
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