[Vwdiesel] Re: (no subject)

Doyt W. Echelberger Doyt at NWOnline.Net
Mon Oct 6 21:22:47 EDT 2003

California, NM, Arizona, parts of Texas & Oklahoma away from the coast,

I've gotten some really fine suspension parts from a salvage yard in Oklahoma.

Try to avoid getting a car that has been flooded/hurricaned in those
coastal states around the gulf. And remember that cars from the salt belt
end up in those states for many reasons, so....don't just depend on looking
at the title....look under the car. Look at the metal lines that run
between the engine compartment and the rear of the car, along the
underbody.  Take off a clip that holds a brake or fuel line from vibrating.
The rust happens pretty reliably under those clips, and if it is going to
show anywhere, that will be it. They can look real good from the outside,
but under the clip it can be 80-90% rusted through.

At 03:24 PM 10/6/2003 -0500, you wrote:

>Where is the best state to pick up Clean rust free cars?
>I've been told Florida , but have concerns about the salt air getting into
>all the crevices
>Ect... I have also heard that Arizona and the Southwest would be better
>because of the dry
>climate. Is one area better than another for European cars?
>Tia ,

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