[Vwdiesel] A list for discussing VW diesels OLD and new. -- ( a great list it is ).
H .Hagar
h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Oct 9 09:36:25 EDT 2003
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When I stumbled on to this list more than a year ago , I did not know a =
heat-shield from a hole in the head. ----- Now I consider this place t=
he " Hogswarts" school of diesel wizardry.
Gold is where you find it (LOL) so if you like me is far from a dealer or =
a good repair-shop ---roll up your sleeves and DIY. Where did I strike the=
MOTHER lode ??? ---right here. Learn how to read the archives and if you k=
now something , PLEASE file it so the rest of us can find it fast. Do it as=
follows : If you have a solution to testing battery --- use battery as fi=
rst word in subject line. Do not do like I did in the past --- yieks --- =
filing Fuel 101 under Diesel. So comrade DIY please speak up ---right or=
wrong , it will be graded and corrected by the Board of senior Wizards --=
never know , you may just be right ---- a good example is Mark Shepherd --=
he is wrong at times but by gum he has some incredible smart solutions on =
tap at times------yeah I checked them out. And it is hard to argue with res=
ults and performance. And the bunny's here sure perform.
1984 VW Rabbit 1.6L turbo ( Miss. Bondo )
1882 VW Rabbit 1.6L NA ( Smokey )
1980 VW Rabbit 1.5L NA ( Bunny Blue )
1980 VW Rabbit 1.5L NA ( Rusty ) Hagar.
PS: I am not long for this world , so I hope that in some small way I hel=
ped someone through this archive ----- many years in the future.
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