[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 -- revisited ( OLD old fuel )

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Sun Oct 19 00:20:13 EDT 2003

Here, in the prairies, stove oil, heating oil and winter fuel all come from
the same tank.  If moisture is at all a concern, use an emulsifier like
Stanadyne products that will take care of the moisture and keep it from
wearing the pump prematurely. It should not be of a concern with this added,
that's why there is a fuel filter. Just use common sense, and add only clean
fuel, not the ooze from the tank bottom.

There was an aftermarket product that used silica gel granules to keep your
tanks dry in highway tractors.  It was a plastic mesh can on a cord you tied
to the chain that retains the fuel filler cap on the semi, and it sank and
rested at the tank bottom.  When it changed color, you were to replace it.
I don't think they are around any more.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-admin at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-admin at vwfans.com]On
> Behalf Of H .Hagar
> Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 8:20 AM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 -- revisited ( OLD old fuel )
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> --
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> but I'm wondering if diesel gets as weird as gasoline does when it sits.
> No Matt  not THAT weird and not as fast -----but plenty weird.
>  For such a small amount  -DUMP it , Dump it  if you do not have
> a setup for treating it    --simple to do but time consuming.
> I live in a little sticks place where natural gas arrived a short
> while ago. So I wound up with a lot of 200 gallon tanks (house
> tanks)  some with a LOT of fuel left in.  --Dumping it was out of
> the question , so I worked out a way of filtering drying testing
> ---on and on.   As LOREN found  -- some of the old fuel sure was
> nice performing.Way better than some of the crappy fuel they flog
> us today.Not a lot of cracked tar scraped off the bottom of the
> barrel. Jep I said it ----cracked fuel is not all it is cracked up to be.
> I wound up with an infection  , and had to go for a biocide.Some
> infections go completely nuts -- those little grabbers eat oil so
> fast I found it hard to believe.
> Discovered a neat way to test and dry fuel ---dissolved water in
> oil --moisture.
> The last 2 or 3 years before retirement I was in charge of oil
> testing for a major corporation.So a few tricks was learned.In
> technical terms  --we measured dewpoint to test for moisture in
> the oil.  But a hillbilly test works a lot better for us.
> Use silicagell crystals --and it is a piece of cake.Dry crystals
> in oven ,till they are deep purple  ,,,when immersed in oil they
> attract moisture in the oil and turn white when saturated.
> Designation of fuel is not standard across north America  ,   but
> Rabbits will eat all the different fuels if you  make sure they
> are not infected and they are clean and contain lots of lube for
> injection pump.Some older fuels have a lot higher cetane number,
> than today's crap.
> For more details see Diesel fuel 101.
>                  Hagar.
> PS: Kerosene and stove oil works fine if you add lube ---lots of it.
> --
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