[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 --- ( 100 pico Siemens for #1 diesel in may --minimum. )

Michael Smith r3mismith at health.nb.ca
Wed Oct 22 13:21:18 EDT 2003

1 Siemens is very big !
Most everything is measured in millisiemens (mS) or even microsiemens (uS)
It used to always be a mho, you're right.


Mike Smith, CET
Clinical Engineering Dept.
River Valley Health, NB, Canada
Phone (506) 452-5091
r3mismith at health.nb.ca
Fax (506) 447-4320

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	H .Hagar [SMTP:h_hagar at prcn.org]
> Sent:	Wednesday, October 22, 2003 11:35 AM
> To:	vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject:	[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101  --- (  100 pico Siemens for #1 diesel
> in may  --minimum. )
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> If this one does not smoke Mark Shepherd and more out of the caves , gosh
> what will ?.    Its just a brain teaser.  By the way minimum in January is
> 350.     My question is this : can someone explain in hillbilly terms what
> a Siemens is ?     Electrical conductivity is measured as part of QC
> procedures at refinery (Sarnia Ont).  I understand ohms law etc.  so maybe
> I can grasp this one.
> Resistance is measured in ohms  , therefore conductivity must be the
> opposite.( mho ?)  --- next time you get nailed for turning on your smoke
> system , throw that one at the judge. Your highness it is the fault of
> EXXON -- .
> Pico is a very small fella  so a Siemens must be fairly big.   Like look
> at a capacitor of 1 farad that's big.   Hope Roger Brown (charlie brown)
> nibbles at this one      Thanks        Hagar.
> --
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