[Vwdiesel] Water pump removal

Tyson Cragg tyson.cragg at sympatico.ca
Sat Oct 25 07:06:00 EDT 2003

What I am talking about is the replacement of the ENTIRE water pump, not
just the front half that contains the impeller and the pulley.  The reason I
am replacing it is because the last person who replaced the thermostat
stripped the threads on one of the two holes where the thermostat housing
attaches.  Unless, of course, you have some suggestions about tapping new
threads into aluminum, in which case I can totally avoid this whole
exercise.  The replacement pump I got from the dealer is the entire
assembly, which means I must remove the old one in its entirety.  I already
have the PS pump out of the way.

Tyson K. Cragg
1985 Jetta Diesel
1996 Passat TDI Wagon
2002 Cabrio GLX
----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger Brown" <r.c.brown at ieee.org>
To: "diesel fans" <vwdiesel at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Water pump removal

Tyson Cragg wrote:
> I am attempting to remove the water pump on a 1985 Jetta D (non-turbo)
with power steering, but no A/C.  There is a bracket that holds the power
steering pump that must be removed to get the water pump off.
Unfortunately, the only way to remove this bracket, it appears, is to remove
the injection pump.  The Bentley is not very enlightening on this topic.  Am
I right?  From what I see, there is no way to get an air ratchet or even a
wrench onto these bolts without removing the pump.

I have some tips that helped me removing the pump on my '81/1.6D w/ A/C:

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