[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 41. -- ( from a hillbilly )

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Sep 3 18:45:31 EDT 2003

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Today I blew my "HILLBILLY" cover all to hell.  I bumped in to a fella , wh=
o had 4 brand new Bosch nozzles. He said he sold his VW ------   so today I=
 installed new nozzles in the 1984 Turbo 1.6L Rabbit. No self respecting hi=
llbilly would do that with 30 old (more or less) serviceable nozzles in a c=
offee can.      The most amazing difference was how they differed in the te=
ster.    Bentleys pressure change versus shim thickness did not agree with =
what  took place here.
Just got back from a test-drive --- WOW .-   fantastic.
Here is what I did.    1984 Turbo Rabbit with 253 000 km on dash. Removed a=
ll injectors and replaced nozzles  and adjusted pressure to a tad below 200=
0 psi. To do # 2 loosen pump and turn away from head, that gives enough roo=
m=2EAs a matter of fact I was surprised by how easy the whole deal was.( my=
 first turbo job ).        Hagar.

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