[Vwdiesel] 84 Jetta Diesel Coupe

Paul Engle engle31 at comcast.net
Fri Sep 5 00:09:07 EDT 2003

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Not mine, saw this in another forum. Thought I'd pass it along. Located in =
Mesa, AZ

'84 Jetta 2dr coupe with sunroof Diesel. Needs injection pump help. This is=
 a rust free Arizona car that would make an excellent commuter or good cani=
date for a gas conversion for a cool street ride. Newer tires and half shaf=
t=2E Good compression  eed to sell asap asking $375 o.b.o. or trade for pre=
 67 type 3 in any condition  or call 480-540-1862
[ emthup.gif of type image/gif deleted ]

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