[Vwdiesel] ID this Glowplug please !

Mike & Coreen Smith ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Wed Sep 10 21:21:45 EDT 2003

Hi All,
A friend at work gave me this (1) glowplug today, left over from his 91?
Golf (or could possibly be from a Rabbit), diesel and he thinks it was a
I hooked up the glowpug to the ohmmeter, showed about 0.2 Ohms (200
"           "               "         " a 12VDC battery and it smoked a
little and got pretty darn hot. (did not glow).

Question is, will it fit in my 88 Jetta Turbo Diesel 1.6L engine?

Markings are:
Bosch 0250 200 052  11V  041 (I think the ID# may just be the 250 200 052
part but not sure)
It takes a 12mm socket and the hot "plug" part on it is aprox an inch long I

I think I may have 1 or 2 bad glowplugs (have yet to check) and if this
would fit, I'll use it.

Ideas? Hints? Kinks? Comments?

At locally $60++tax, I'd hate to buy new if I could get this one to work,
then maybe snag another one used, possibly from someone on here.

TI Advance
Mike in NB (and for Hagar....."73"......) LOL

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