[Vwdiesel] Bubbles in the fuel line
weasel1 at sympatico.ca
Sat Sep 13 14:41:10 EDT 2003
> I am getting bubbles in the fuel line. I have always heard that this is
> a result of a leak in the line somewhere. Is it normal for the return
> line to have bubbles? Yes.
> Where is the most likely spot for the leak to be? I can see most of the
> line except where it goes through the sub frame under the passenger
> seat. If you have a leak, it will be on the suction line. Tighten any
clamps you have.
> Is it possible that a restriction in the line could cause bubbles from
> the pump trying to pull a vacuum? Absolutely. Most likely your problem
is the fact that the filter got so plugged. Keep on the starter or better
yet try and pull fuel through the lines with vacuum pump ( vacuum on the
return line )
> Will I cause any damage blowing compressed air through the line from the
> fuel filter back to the tank? Don't think so ...
> Under the tank on the passenger side is what looks like a box with a
> round thingy that can be turned. It looks like the fuel lines run in
> this. What is under there? You got me on this one !!
Just keep on it and you should fire up. I get this often when my WVO filter
plugs. IF I don't switch to diesel fast enough, it will do the same thing.
You just have to be persistent.
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