[Vwdiesel] Filters ---- ( VW Bosch 1 457 434 106 )

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Sep 14 20:22:23 EDT 2003

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Does anyone  know the  micron rating if these filters ???.           Consid=
ering the crappy fuel we have to deal with a really good filter is paramoun=
t=2E      I am considering using a Stanadyne as a secondary ---just before =
the pump.  Stanadyne makes a nice glass water separator as well.   980 36 ?=
    Kralinator FS758 .       I have  2 micron spin on Caterpillar elements =
here but no holder.,   Who is our filter WIZARD ?.    please speak up ---th=
anks .             Hagar

PS: Driving that little 1984 Bunny Rabbit 1.6 turbo is so much fun I got 18=
53.4 Km  mostly testing and tuning (joyriding) bloody skylarking he is.   T=
here are no roads out of here , but good roads in the area.

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