[Vwdiesel] Archives question --- ( for the computer Wizards )

Nate Wall natewall1 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 16 07:13:21 EDT 2003

I cracked the fan cage attempting to remove the fan
blade (cage) to re oil the bearings in the fan motor.
I figured I'd replace the fan blade after that. VW
sells the fan blade alright, but it only comes
attached to the fan for about $300! I lived w/ a
wobbly fan for a couple years then bought an
aftermarket one for about $85 new.


--- Sandy Cameron <scameron at compmore.net> wrote:
> At 02:11 AM 9/16/03 EDT, you wrote:
> >
> >  As I recall it comes out the top of the air box.
> I don't remember if it's
> >possible to do it with the airbox in place or not.
> The only one I did, I
> >had out to clean it thouroughly.  Be careful if you
> pull the fan off though.
> >
> >I nearly messed that one up and the fan in my Jetta
> has a wobble sound
> >on low, ever since I pulled the fan to lube the
> front motor bushing.  It
> >turned better but now it's annoying.  :P
> >     Loren
> >___________________
> I drilled a hole in the plastic nosecone so I could
> get the wd40 straw in to
> the bearing, then oiled it using a plastic tube on
> the 3in1 can
> Sandy
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