[Vwdiesel] woo-hoo-WE HAVE TACH! 1 more question though...
Nate Wall
natewall1 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 17 05:51:19 EDT 2003
The "W" wire connects to the battery? Odd. If that
were the case there would be an internal jumber inside
the alternator between the "W" and the output
terminal. I'd splice the proper wire in the harness
and make it a few inches longer and hook that to the
"W" terminal.
--- Michael Smith <r3mismith at health.nb.ca> wrote:
> Hello all dieselheads.....
> Well, I found the source of my problem. I couldn't
> for the life of me
> figure out (after finding it buried in the sheath)
> how this super short red
> wire with black tracer could've been going to the
> alternator to power the
> tach sensor (is this the correct term?). It's way
> too short--(It must have
> been at one time, but not since I've owned the
> beast).
> Today, with a fresh mind I popped the hood of the
> Jetta and looked around.
> Lo and behold I noticed that there was an "extra"
> green wire running
> directly from the battery, tie wrapped up along the
> rad and down towards the
> alternator. In the past I had always dismissed this
> as a long gone fog
> light circuit, air horns, or whatever some PO must
> have installed at one
> time. I looked at it more closesly and saw that it
> indeed had a spade
> terminal on it. I stuck it onto the alternator into
> the recessed spade
> (thanks to whoever told me to look 80degrees away
> from the main lug, that
> really helped in the dim early morning light w/o a
> flashlight !) and stuck
> it on. Voila, we have tach !
> My question is, will there not be current draw (all
> the time) with this
> sensor wired directly to the battery? The red/black
> wire surely must be
> switched 12VDC is it not? I can only presume this
> red/black wire is broken
> or whatever relay powers it is not working, etc.
> I know how to run a multimeter, etc. etc., but I
> didn't have time to do any
> testing this morning before coming to work. I
> thought maybe someone might
> know off hand.
> Thanks!
> Mike
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