[Vwdiesel] adjusting valves

Forrest L King forrestking at juno.com
Sat Sep 20 15:23:37 EDT 2003

Guys,   I revently was having trouble with my 1.6 NA in my truck.  I
determined the valves needed to be adjusted and took it to a shop in
Tulsa, OK.   The guy adjusted the valves and it ran OK for about 170
miles.  After moving 600 miles and towing the little truck behind the big
truck all the way to Houston TX, I began experiencing more problems.   I
checked the vlaves while the engine was cold and they were all barely
within the 'cold specs' in the bentley.  I checked them while they were
warm and they were WAY off,   only 2 of the 8 buckets were within specs.

I originally had the valves adjusted for 73 dollars in TUlsa,  and I
chose to have him adjust the valves so that I did not have to buy the
tools.   now in Houston I called around and the cheapest I could find to
get the valves adjusted was 150 dollars for labor plus 6 dollars per

I decided to buy the complete shim kit from Jack at www.vwdieselparts.com
and it set me back 179 bucks.

I adjusted my valves this morning and all is running well,  the little
truck is now able to get up to about 77MPH!!!!!!!!

While adjusting my valves I noticed that all of the sims were the same
size.   It seems like the guy in Tulsa OK who did the valves just slapped
in whatever he had the most of, and that happened to be .144 shims.
What a jackass -

So,   if you need to adjust your valves, be sure to do it while the
engine is at operating temperature.  I managed to avoid any burns,  i am
very pleased about this.

If you need to use the tools feel free to e-mail me.  Local to the
Houston Metro area it would be no problem,   any where else- we can
figure it out then.


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