[Vwdiesel] Preview of Diesel Touareg in Washington DC

KevWolford at aol.com KevWolford at aol.com
Mon Sep 29 12:33:24 EDT 2003

Hi folks, for those of you in the Washington D.C./Maryland/Virginia area the
Society of Automotive Engineers is hosting a preview of the Diesel Touareg.
Two versions of the Touareg will be available for test drives at Fort McNair:
the gasoline version (on the market now) and the V-10 diesel Touareg available
in 2004.  The new diesel SUV is being unveiled during a planned  "Diesel Day"
with Congress in the beginning of October.  Dinner and a technical
presentation by VW to follow.

Cost:   $25 members & non-members, $15 Students and Retiree's
Date:   Thursday, October 9, 2003
Time:   6 - 9 PM
Place:  Fort McNair Officers Club
            4th Ave. and P Streets, S.W.
        Washington, DC 20319

RSVP:   Contact Lou Brown by September 30
        Louis.Brown at vw.com

Space is limited to 50 people.  Due to heightened security, anyone who wishes
to attend must provide their name and bring a photo ID.  Photo ID's shall be
checked upon entering Ft. McNairTurner.

Directions to Fort McNair:  www.fmmc.army.mil/directions%20to%20mcnair.htm

Final Note:  For those concerned about abuse of the listserv.  SAE is a
503-C3 organization and will not be profiting by this event.  Neither will VW.

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