[Vwdiesel] pump effects...
Mark Shepherd
mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Thu Apr 1 13:23:54 EST 2004
Further to my comments of yesterday...
When I set about timing my Quantum 1.6TD to the 1.0mm that Loren,Nate Gary etc all told me was the 'secret' figure I was trying to get from stealerships here in the UK a few years back THANKS GUYS :oD... This is what I found...
My Quantum was giving me between 35- 45mpg (4.54litres)
Initial settings were pump set at 0.88mm
Cam when locked was wrong giving a crank advance of about 1/2" on the flywheel or 1 &1/2 teeth or about 4 deg.
Whilst farting about with my dial gauge I found (like Hagar says) piston thrust to be 90 thou....or 2.286 mm
New fuel economy became 41.5 to 56mpg (4.54litres) or a 20+% improvement.. :o)
Interestingly (To me anyway) I found that the piston thrusts at an initial 2 thou per flywheel tooth peaking to 5 thou per tooth [percieved rotation of flywheel]... which gives an idea of spread of injection (static timing).
According to Rogers archives...
Full load piston squirt is 0.0345 cm ^3 or 34.5 mm^3
Bore of fuel line is2.25mm dia by 340mm long... or carries 430 CUBIC mm !!
Hence each new squirt passes7.9% down the bore..or 12.6 squirts to reach the injector ...amazing or what!!!
So at a guess I'd say DONT BORE DA BORE eh? ;o)
How about putting copper wire strands down to reduce bore to counteract compressability of the fuel?
Mark(The Miser)UK "There's nothing like driving past a bonfire and then realising it's your car thats smokin' "
Message date : Apr 01 2004, 01:25 AM
>From : "Will Taygan"
To : mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Copy to :
Subject : RE: [Vwdiesel] pump effects...
Thanks Mark.
-Will Taygan
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] pump effects...
> From: "Mark Shepherd"
> Date: Wed, March 31, 2004 4:17 pm
> To: "vwdiesel"
> This is my limited view and may or may not reflect that of the experts
> The piston in the pump always pumps the maximum fuel...BUT... there is
> a sleeve that fits outside/around the 'compression chamber' in front of
> the piston. This piston has a hole down its middle that allows the
> compressed fuel to squirt back and it is directed to each fuel line in
> turn via oneway valves at the start of each line. The sleeve covers a
> further hole in the piston that allows spillage of fuel back into the
> body of the pump. The point at which this spillage occurs depends on
> the position of the sleeve.
> The position of the sleeve is determined by several springs or links to
> springs pulling on it...
> 1) The accelerator arm...
> 2) The max fuel screw...
> 3) The centrifugal weights that are rpm relatedand also advance timing
> like the gas engine distributer...
> 4) (for the TD) the boost pressure from the turbo [which is
> predominantly engine loading and available exhaust heat] +exhaust
> flowrate to some extent also...A kind of positive feedback the rate of
> effect being controlled by the taper of the cone in the aneroid spring
> tension,and initial position.
> 5) The Cold start lever I believe only advances the fuel timing and its
> effect minimises as speed picks up...
> Well thats my view...
> Mark (The Miser) UK
> "There's nothing like driving past someones bonfire and realising that
> its your car thats smokin' "
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