[Vwdiesel] pump effects... ---( The Shepherds pye magic )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Apr 2 10:54:58 EST 2004

Mark Shepherd I am happy I have to deal with this one on "Fools Day"

How about putting copper wire strands down to reduce bore to counteract compressability of the fuel? 

Platinum wires work best ,  they have to be cut to an exact dipole length. They
will then increase cetane by 5 numbers.

Remember the shockwave travels faster in Platinum than in Fuel.

On to your idea of using  Ajax Comet and the likes for a lapping compound ??.

Yes it works.   But due to the chlorine I do not use it.  The issue was the taper
on the cam sprocket.  If I install a sprocket from a different shaft . I use clover leaf
green can. Fine valve grinding stuff.     On finer work, yellow timesaver is the ticket.

And 45 foot pounds torque is safe on shaft bolt.   Now if Val Christian is right ? 
that sprocket must be able to turn for safety reasons----we are screwing things up.

Way to go Mark.


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