[Vwdiesel] Bad vibrations ...

Lee Hillsgrove hillsgrove at adelphia.net
Sun Apr 4 18:25:40 EDT 2004

> I have never changed the bearing on my A3, is it something I can do at
> ?  Any special tools required ?

  I just did both sides recently in my A3. Yes, you will need to either pull
the strut and knuckle assembly out and bring it to someone with a hydraulic
press or just do it on the car with a screw-type puller made for the
purpose. There is the possibility of fabricating a similar tool using a
hydraulic bottle jack, if you are handy and have access to metalworking
equipment. You'll also need a grinder or pneumatic chisel to get the outside
inner race off of the hub. Of course, a cement floor with a floor jack and
jackstands are really nice plus basic hand tools are going to be a given.

 I didn't have the puller myself but know a dealer tech, a fellow ham, who
brought his home as a favor.   :-))


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