[Vwdiesel] Bad vibrations ...
LBaird119 at aol.com
LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Apr 4 20:24:33 EDT 2004
I FINALLY have good brakes on the Jetta but it went like this...
(Just think of Archie Campbell and Roy Clark doing this, for those of
you who miss Hee Haw.) ;-)
The Jetta needs new brakes.
Well, that's bad.
No, That's good, I can get drums and disks for a really good price.
That's good.
No, that's bad. I put on new pads, rotors, drums and bearings and
the brakes still aren't very good.
That's bad.
No, that's good. A new Master cylinder should fix it.
Well, that's good.
No, that's bad. It's no better than it was before.
That's bad. No, that's good. I still have a set of rear shoes to put on.
Oh, that's good.
No that's bad. I forgot I hadn't done them and misplaced them.
That's bad.
No, that's good. I got a good two years use out of them even though
the pedal was low and spongy.
Well, that's good.
No, that's bad. The other day I went to get the summer tires out of
the shed and when I came out the car had rolled into a tree.
That's bad.
No, that's good. It made me finally do something about the low pedal.
Well, that's good.
No, that's bad. I was at a loss as to what to do.
That's bad.
No, that's good. While I was waiting for Dad to get home and take me
down to get the car from the body shop, I found my brake shoes!
That's good.
No, that's bad. I put on the new shoes and although I now had a working
e-brake, the pedal was as bad or worse than ever.
That's bad.
No, that's good. I had an extra, used, master cylinder from the car, in
case that was the problem.
That's good.
No, that's bad. The REASON I had an extra master cylinder was because
I'd replaced the old one and it didn't improve the brakes a bit.
That's bad.
No, that's good. It gave me the assurance that I WOULD get those
brakes working one way or another!
That's good.
No, that's bad. I figured I needed to bleed the brakes but the kids were
gone all day Saturday and the wife doesn't like helping on the cars.
That's bad.
No, that's good. She was willing to help so we got to tackle the problem
AND spend a little time together.
That's good.
No, that's bad. I went to bleed the RR cylinder and got very little flow
but a fair amount of air.
That's bad.
No, that's good. I was hoping it was just trapped air and it looked like
it was.
That's good.
No, that's bad. When I went to the LR wheel I realized I STILL had very
little flow from the RR wheel.
That's bad.
No, that's good. I had her stomp the brakes a few times, held the
proportioning valve open, got more air out and finally much more flow.
That's good.
No, that's bad. When I went to do the fronts, she stomped down again
and I got a nice little spray of brake fluid all over me.
That's bad.
No, that's good. By the time we got all done (and the reservoir didn't
even go empty!) I had a nice, high, firm brake pedal.
Well, THAT'S good.
You're doggone right that's good!
Now I just have to get used to NOT trying to put the pedal to the floor
or I'll put my head into the windshield! :)
Just one more reason I don't care much for any of the one person
methods for bleeding brakes. I'd bled them myself when I put the
master cylinder on.
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