[Vwdiesel] Wisdom and Insight --- ( where from ???? )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Apr 5 14:10:01 EDT 2004

Anyone see the recent VW sales figues lately? They are
not doing well at all. Customer satisfaction is way
Nate Wall 

Does wisdom and insight apply ????   I think so.

It falls in to a class called " Blunders"  --- American sales advertising is to blame in part.
Economy --- is pushed , using FUEL consumption as a sales tool.

Lets take a look at Rolls Royce advertising  ---- a high quality automobile.
Reliable and good handling.

An owner phones London from Cairo saying that he wanted to order a new
axle. London say , Rolls axles do not break  ---Rolls flew out two mechanics
and axle was changed -- in short order.   
After some time owner contacted Rolls for the bill for the broken axle.
Response ?    --- NO bill --Rolls axles do not break.

I happen to like Volvo ---I grew up in the area.   How does American advertising
flog the thing ?   Sweden has gravel roads and the car last 11 years there.--crap.

The "Bunny" is a special case ------ Underline  VOLKS  (Sears cheap shit) --
it is not Maytag or Rolls.     We service what we sell --- crap.
Put together the bills for a Diesel Rabbit and then look at cost pr mile.

Did I say that the 1980 Rabbit diesel was the finest piece of transportation
ever made by man ???  --yes I did.    For us who know how to make them

VW Diesels are NOT a car for the masses (volks) in America or Canada.

In Europe (north) the training and certification of mechanic's are totally different
from here.

The culture in America started with the model "T"  and that corner gasjockey .
Even the best Gasoline mechanic is not qualified to keep a Rabbit diesel ---
or any diesel for that matter , going. Unless he is also a diesel mechanic.

The VW diesel is a fine piece of technology --(I love it) but it is utterly unforgiving.

Have I driven a " T "  ???  yes   " Goldenrod "  a racer in Seattle WA USA..
It had a full FORD maintenance manual with it.
And that was an eye opener --- shop charge in hours for everything was listed.
Totally stupid.   NO one could make a days pay at those numbers.

So sales are down ?  NO wonder ---- people do catch on eventually.

Damage to a " NAME " ?   yes..

Take the GM Oldsmobile diesel ---did it absolutely destroy the "NAME" ?
take a look at Olds now !!!. ----- A class "A" blunder.

Bosch got sucked in on this one.   The VE pumps are fine but utterly unforgiving.
Therein lies the VW dilemma in North America. Crappy fuel and crappy maintenance.

VW Rabbit electrical panel is a pile of crap. -------- do not get water on it.

The Turbo I use is  American -----  absolutely a fine piece of machinery. No problems
in that area.  "Garrett" -----sure works.

Was American  API  lubeoils ok ? for the 1980 Rabbits ?   yes no problem  Dino oils are
fine .   As the 1980 Rabbit gets old , dino is best dollar for dollar. To use SYN is a no no
from a money point of view.

Synthetic oils have been a disaster in the past ---- American advertising again.
So be careful.

The turbo is a special case ----- If you shut down a turbo red hot.----the heat travels along
the shaft to the bearing ---and it cooks the oil. In that case the  Mobil Delvac 1  is a better 
choice. BUT ? do you do that.?.   Do I own shares in Exxon ?   NO.

Synthetic Oils were invented say  1930 era , so why did it take   about 50 years to ban
production of some of them ?  ---- like pyranol askarel etc.   

So  Delvac 1 and scamzoils and what not will never be banned ???? --- think.

So the lube was not it ---- the FUEL and MAINTENANCE  and operator was.

So give me a brand new 1980 Rabbit --- and it will never rust and the engine and tranny
will do half a million miles without overhaul. ---- not bad for a peoples car.

Definition of fine piece of tranportation :    It works ----it looks ---   NICE
not like a CV 2 or a Messershit or a Beetle.     Or  Lloydwagen  or NSU Printz.
So there you got my opinion based on wisdom and insight   ------ and lets face it 
how do you beat the MODEL T in todays dollars.?. Great memories of the " Tin Lizzy ".

Cars are too cheap today --- really.  ---- yeah I know it is contradictory.


Wisdom from where ??? --  from a sum total of all the things I'v ever read and
experienced. --- in no small part from this forum.

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