[Vwdiesel] RE: Looking for advice

Harmon Seaver hseaver at cybershamanix.com
Tue Apr 6 14:13:17 EDT 2004

   Have you tried looking on http://www.car-parts.com -- I see some there for
anywhere from $205-$750, but lots with no price listed, just says "call for
price" -- all over the US and CA.

On Tue, Apr 06, 2004 at 11:13:08AM -0600, Chuck Carnohan wrote:
> This is getting interesting!  So, how hard are good 1.6na diesels to
> come by?  Here in the West they are scarce and wrecking yards that have
> one ask $600.00- I have seen them advertised in the Minneapolis-StPaul
> area for $350.00.  It makes sense that the engines are more plentiful
> back east with the rust and, the number of vehicles registered over the
> years (population dynamics).  So, according to kind response to my
> original question about this engine, I think I will pass as the dip
> stick tube where it enters the block is leaking, some pressure is noted
> when the oil fill cap is removed and a bit of smoke also emanates
> briefly.  I just thought that the "O" ring on the dipstick tube needed
> replacement but the pressure at the oil cap sounds like a determination
> of unacceptable blow-by?  It sure did start easy though for a
> low-compression engine.  Warm day (70 degrees) in the sunshine helps a
> lot I'm sure.  I'm hard-pressed to pay 5 or 6 hundred dollars for an
> engine when the last one I got was $300 with the pickup attached!  Lucky
> scrounge, I know! I just don't want to be stupid and let a good engine
> slip away.....
> Chuck
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nate Wall [mailto:natewall1 at yahoo.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:47 AM
> To: greg rich; vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] RE: Looking for advice
> <<<I find motors for $100 regularily now due to the
> number of rusted and tired looking cars around here
> (Ottawa, Ontario), and the engines are good!>>>
> I live in Northern Virginia (right outside of
> Washington, DC). I called a few local salvage yards
> three years ago and asked if they had a VW diesel
> motor for sale. They must not be common around here (I
> can not remember the last time I saw a VW IDI diesel
> on the road, other than mine here) and at about the
> fifth call I located one. It was a non-turbo motor
> from a Golf that had about 135,000 miles on it. Get
> this, the salvage yard wanted $1,200 US dollars for
> it! And that was with me picking it up!
> --Nate
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Harmon Seaver	

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