[Vwdiesel] Looking for advice ---( Chuckie --hagars bit )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Apr 6 14:30:22 EDT 2004

Blow by is important ----so how did I check ?   simple .
Pull the line to VC off and use a piece of paper to gauge blow.

Then compare to a good one. --- Do a blottertest of oil.    Look
at black goo in line.

A good diesel VW  --- is worth a 1000 dollars US  any time. But due to
the way things are priced .  The range is from 150 dollars to a thou.

Bid a good dollar and it will be a win win situation. The seller is happy and you are happy.
What could be better ?.( yeah I know --a steal)

If you post miles and year of manufacture and service (like old lady)  we can advise you better.

I can buy it for around $500 USD.

Sounds ok to me.


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