[Vwdiesel] anyone gotta spare diesel?

david raistrick keen at type2.com
Tue Apr 6 23:20:28 EDT 2004

Hey guys.

Mom's green truck (bought a year or so ago on the vwpickups list, if
memory serves) cracked the block.

Dunno how long it's been cracked, but the leak lead to the usual loss of
too much coolant and a blown head gasket.  Head looks ok, though.

Anyway, anyone have a spare good running diesel sitting around in the
southeast?  (she's in the Augusta, GA and the Savannah, GA area depending
on the time of week, and I'm in Orlando.)

Cheaper is better....I've got one engine that sat headless for a few years
in the weather that might have a rebuildable block, and there is another
1.6 in a parts car, unknown but "overheated" that might be rebuildable.

But all of that requires more labor and parts at the mechanic (good
friend, charges reasonable) then just a swap...poor college student and
all that. (make that, poor BFA working on her MFA...:)

While we're at it, anyone got a set of Caddy rear leaf springs?  The ones
on this truck are /bent/. (really)

thanks for any leads.


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