[Vwdiesel] Crankshaft Made Where?

Gavrik Peterson gavrik at cablespeed.com
Thu Apr 8 09:08:36 EDT 2004

Some time ago I had my engine rebuilt by an outfit here in Seattle.
Before the work was started I made it clear to the owner that I wanted
my parts to be reused.  I now know that for some parts this request
was not followed.  Last night I noticed that the crankshaft in the
rebuilt engine was made in Brazil.

Is it possible that a 1984 Rabbit diesel (JK engine) could have a
crankshaft that was made in Brazil?

While lots of stuff on this engine was made in the USA and Canada, I
don't remember any original parts that were made in Brazil.  Does
anyone know the answer to this somewhat obscure question.

Gavrik Peterson

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