[Vwdiesel] Re: Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 6, Issue 14

W. Kennedy it0mat0 at email.com
Thu Apr 8 15:07:50 EDT 2004

Depending on which operating system you use, there are several ways you could accomplish this.  Windows 95&98 would let you have the physical display size of your monitor, but would scroll it over a much larger Windows Desktop, like looking at a big  picture through a smaller "window" that you can move around.  2000 & XP may still have a way to do this, check the help for "virtual", "dekstop", "resolution", etc.  

Check your favorite download sources for a utility to perform that function if all else fails.  It used to be a common solution to that problem back when the "standard" was 14-15" monitors..


>I seem to remember some talk, ages ago, about some software that
> a large monitor so that something like the vw parts cd, which
demands a
> 21" monitor...
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